» » Automatically updateble scrolling recently post/comment/news ticke

Everyone blogger or news portal website owner like embed ticker because it don’t need big space. Its works like navigation bar, visitor can instantly find what latest news is or recently posts. If you have owner of a website like news, stock market, or such type other website than this post is very helpful for you. Follow the following instruction and easily setup scrolling ticker for show news, recently comment, post as you wish on your website.  

Step 1. Log in blogger and click on layout in blogger
Step 2. Copy following code.
Step 3. Click add a Gadget find HTML/TEXT and click
Step 4. Past the following code and edit your blog name in yellow section. here red section is width of your ticker.
Step5 Save and move widget as where you want to appear it.

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:950px;background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiLxuArlg5ZTwaBIjlImK7eoawmCScngnrLgsYti3tEEFZYIkyAJ0BPXZdZyo7xlce6bH1WYiEXn1WvJEdCEK6BcT0SnuvFaR6j8azPqOc1mBCv-rv8Ow90tiyWycMuV2PoJTrsn_urjo8/s1600/hot-articles.jpg) no-repeat center left;;padding:3px 3px 3px 100px;border: 1px solid #ddd;;"><tbody><tr><td><div style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;width:950px;height:20px;" onmouseover="copyspeed=pausespeed" onmouseout="copyspeed=memoryspeed"><div id="memoryscroller" style="position: absolute; left: -101px; top: 0px;"><nobr><script type="text/javascript" async="" src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js" gapi_processed="true"></script><script type="text/javascript">
var nMaxPosts =10;
        var nWidth = 100;
        var nScrollDelay = 0;
        var sDirection = "left";
        var sOpenLinkLocation = "N";
        var sBulletChar = "✿"
<script type="text/javascript">
function RecentPostsScrollerv2(json) {
var sHeadLines;
var sPostURL;
var objPost;
var sMoqueeHTMLStart;
var sMoqueeHTMLEnd;
var sPoweredBy;
var sHeadlineTerminator;
var sPostLinkLocation;

try {

sMoqueeHTMLStart = "\<MARQUEE behavior=\"scroll\" onmouseover=\"this.stop();\" onmouseout=\"this.start();\" ";

if (nWidth) {
sMoqueeHTMLStart = sMoqueeHTMLStart + " width = \"" + nWidth + "%\"";
} else {
sMoqueeHTMLStart = sMoqueeHTMLStart + " width = \"100%\"";
if (nScrollDelay) {
sMoqueeHTMLStart = sMoqueeHTMLStart + " scrolldelay = \"" + nScrollDelay + "\"";
if (sDirection) {
sMoqueeHTMLStart = sMoqueeHTMLStart + " direction = \"" + sDirection + "\"\>";

if (sDirection == "left" || sDirection == "right") {
sHeadlineTerminator = "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
} else {
sHeadlineTerminator = "\<br/\>";
if (sOpenLinkLocation == "N") {
sPostLinkLocation = " target= \"_blank\" ";
} else {
sPostLinkLocation = " ";
sMoqueeHTMLEnd = "\</MARQUEE\>"

sHeadLines = "";

for (var nFeedCounter = 0; nFeedCounter < nMaxPosts; nFeedCounter++) {
var objPost = json.feed.entry[nFeedCounter];

if (nFeedCounter == json.feed.entry.length) break;

for (var nCounter = 0; nCounter < objPost.link.length; nCounter++) {
if (objPost.link[nCounter].rel == 'alternate') {
sPostURL = objPost.link[nCounter].href;
sHeadLines = sHeadLines + "\<b\>" + sBulletChar + "\</b\> \<a " + sPostLinkLocation + " href=\"" + sPostURL + "\">" + objPost.title.$t + "\</a\>" + sHeadlineTerminator;

if (sDirection == "left") {
sHeadLines = sHeadLines + "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + sPoweredBy;
} else if (sDirection == "right") {
sHeadLines = sPoweredBy + "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + sHeadLines;
} else if (sDirection == "up") {
sHeadLines = sHeadLines + "\<br/\>" + sHeadLines;
document.write(sMoqueeHTMLStart + sHeadLines + sMoqueeHTMLEnd)
} catch (exception) {
<script src="http://www.livelatest.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=RecentPostsScrollerv2&amp;max-results=10" type="text/javascript"></script></nobr></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table>

Well done! now your ticker is ready if you want to control its feature than you can change minor change.
1. Change Read color width according your space or it may will work with no change in blogger.
2. Yellow color is very important if you want to embed n blogger than you just need replace your blog/website name or feed name.
3. In green color replace digit as you like want to appear recently item.

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